My face was saying, “These people are crazy” but this was my inner dialogue when I got into my car after the Perform Better Seminar.

“I didn’t know that this was going to be a 2.5 hour workout!  Wow that was pretty intense but I feel awesome!  Blood is running through my veins, I feel alive, and I have so much energy”
That’s what I thought after the Perform Better Seminar where we had a 2.5 hour Practical application (workout) last month.

It was tough while we were doing it but afterwards I felt great.  I felt healthy and alive.  Isn’t that how health/fitness is supposed to make you feel?

Sadly that is not how fitness is marketed to people which is stupid.  For some reason the industry is marketing eating healthy and nutritious foods, exercising, and taking care of yourself as torture.

Think about of all of these ridiculous metaphors like going to war, battles, and suffering.  How likely are you going to want to do something that is compared to war, battles, and suffering?  Not very likely.

I honestly believe a lot of that nonsense is so that people can feel like they are really doing something worthy and of honor.

To me, being your best for yourself, your loved ones, and to make an impact on the world is doing something worthy and of honor…not lifting weights.

In a world where many people go hungry, eating less and eating less junk isn’t noble.

It goes back to WHY you are doing this in the first place.  If you’ve made the decision to eat more nutritious foods, exercise, and take care of yourself chances are you’re trying to make sure you stay alive and that you have a decent quality of life while you’re doing it.

I believe that if you take that mindset with you, then you will be much more successful than if you look at eating better, exercising,and taking care of yourself as SUFFERING.

SUFFERING would be not being able to move and live the life you want to live because you didn’t take care of yourself.

Eating well may seem like a drag but I know when I eat too much fat and sugar, I actually DO drag.  I’m sluggish, have little energy, and a lot of time my digestion isn’t what it should be.  Eating well gives me energy and vitality!

When it comes to exercise: Like the workout we did at Perform Better, exercising may be intense/tough while it’s happening but afterward you will feel so alive!  You will have the energy to continue to live your life at a higher level.

I encourage you to give up the story of: “This is torture.  It’s so hard.  I’m in a battle.  I’m suffering.”

Instead say “This may be tough now but I’m doing it so I can live better another day.”

Mindset Matters Most.  Be aware of yours.

P.S.. It did feel good to know that I was able to hold my own against the 20 something trainers!!