1. What do you want?
If you’re going to create an intention, then you need to be clear of what you want. The reason why statements like: Lose weight, Get healthy, and go to the gym aren’t effective for people is because these statements are generic and they aren’t pointing to any specific behavior.
In my work, the people who have created the intentions to: have more energy, have less pain, or get faster, stronger, better have ALL seen physical composition change (loss in body fat) while the people who say things such as: lose weight and go to the gym drop out altogether and are not successful.
A goal such as Fitting into my pants is better than losing weight because it is a more specific action.
Ask yourself why
Why do you want to lose weight? Is it because you want to be able to have less joint pain? Is it because you don’t want to feel lethargic all of the time?
Your why is what will keep you in the game and will give you extra motivation.
I will give you one of my intentions for 2016: “Fit into my pants because I am too cheap to buy anymore pants and I have too many pairs of pants that I really like.”
This is the time to BE SPECIFIC and GO DEEP.
2. How do you want to feel?
Again be specific. How is that you want to feel? Energetic? Less pain from daily activities? Able to carry your own groceries?
Think about how you want to feel. Use illustrative words to describe how you want to feel.
3. Write Your Intention and how you want to feel down on paper
I personally believe that there’s something very powerful about putting pen to paper and writing down your intentions. There’s something about seeing your intentions on the tablet that makes it more real.
You would not believe how many intentions that I have written down have all happened. It’s not just an idea in my head any longer. I have written it down and the pen to paper helps to keep me accountable.
It’s also awesome when there’s a down moment that you can see all that you have accomplished because it is easy to forget. I write down when clients have significant milestones and then I’ll say: “Remember when you said you wanted to do x,y,z? Boom.” It adds to your confidence and helps to elevate your level of expectation.
4. Write down all the reasons you don’t think your intention will happen and ask why.
Success is about being aware the reasons why you are NOT where you want to be and letting go of that belief system.
The reason why people are not successful is because of what’s going on in between the ears. It’s the stories that we’re telling ourselves that keep us from living out our intentions. Stories such as:
- I’m too old
- I’ve failed too many times before
- I’m not good enough
- It’s too hard
- It’s too late
These types of stories are the real reason why people are not successful in seeing their intentions come to fruition. You need to see these reasons in black and white and address them. Once you get your MIND RIGHT then and only then will you see progress.
5. Read your Intentions every day. Write your intentions down once a week
The more you familiarize yourself with your intentions, the more they become ingrained in your unconscious which is your main decision maker. It works. Get these intentions ingrained in your brain. Make them a part of your life and write in present tense.
6. Ask for Help
Don’t try and do it all by yourself. Ask for help from people who are where you want to be. I set an ambitious 2016 PUSH Goal and I don’t know what I’m doing so I’ve been asking experts in the field for help. People have been so helpful and have offered to chat with me for free and give me guidance and direction. These are people who are very respected in their field and are very successful and yet they are willing to help without any charge. I will be the first to admit I don’t know what I’m doing but that’s okay because I’m willing to learn.
Not knowing is not an excuse because all you need to do is ask for help.
7. Join a community and get a support system
If you want to go fast, then go alone. If you want to go far, then go together.
I joined the Todd Durkin Mastermind group because I just wasn’t getting the support and information I knew that I needed in order to get where I wanted to be. It’s important to surround yourself with people who are doing what you want to do and are excelling.
Since joining the Mastermind group, my excuses and stories about why I can’t have started to dry up because I’m seeing so many successful people and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t happen for me. Be around people who are on their way up.
If you’re creating intentions, be prepared to be teased, laughed at, mocked, judged, etc. Some people simply won’t understand and that’s fine. Join a community and get a support system of people who do.
I challenge you to Set 5 Intentions using these tips and I’d love to hear what they are!
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