First off that is one of my favorite Lenny K songs.  Look it up if you don’t know it…
For a few months this past Spring I lost my enthusiasm for working out.  I still went but it was no longer invigorating and empowering.  It had become boring and it felt like drudgery. It wasn’t just the lack of exciting gym members I was really just over it.
During my time of reflection about my whole fitness journey, I was not hard on myself about missing a day of working out.  I skipped when necessary and left if I just wasn’t feeling it.  During that whole reflection time, I came to an important realization about my WHY this past year or so regarding fitness.
It was all because I was afraid to get fat.
Working out had become some sort of fear based activity when before it was fun and empowering.  It had become this whole exercise in futility to force my body to do things it didn’t want to do.  With each workout I found myself getting more and more annoyed because things seemed to be going in the opposite direction and I was sick of it.
That should have been my first clue to step away and get a grip on things but it didn’t stop until I actually found myself hurt.  I think I overdid it with one of my low back extensors and was forced back into mobility and rest mode.
I can say that in the last few weeks my mojo has completely returned. I look forward to workouts.  They are fun again.  They aren’t about losing weight or because I’m afraid to get fat. My workouts are no longer fear based.  My workouts have become high energy, hard working, and all about having a good time and we didn’t even get any new exciting gym members…
If I am being honest that trip to the Fit Expo and electrifying seminar did solidify my observations on social media and provide me with a new muse so I am good.

These are My Why’s

As I rediscovered my passion for working out and exercise, I started asking myself WHY I like to exercise and I thought I would share them.

It makes me feel empowered and that I CAN….

Working out makes you feel powerful.  It makes you feel like you can do what you put your mind to.  So many people run around with an, “I can’t” attitude and they don’t even try.  I think every time you challenge yourself and don’t die, then you grow more confident that you can try something else scary.

It helps me to lie  surprise people when I tell them my age

I usually tell the Junior Mints  that I graduated from High School in the 20th Century and leave it at that, but when I tell people how old I am they are generally surprised and we know from a scientific perspective that a major cause of aging is poor nutrition and inactivity.  You have no energy and body parts sag when you aren’t active.  The only time I feel my age is when it comes to music and staying up late.  Other than that I feel stronger and better than I did in my 20’s.

Someday I will be a Mother and I won’t be in my 20’s

I like to look ahead and I am not just focused on the now.  We need to start learning how to live a disciplined life in whatever season we are in because when the next one hits, we need to be somewhat prepared.  Trying to keep up with kids with little energy and poor dietary habits sets a poor example for kids and is exhausting for the parents.  No thank you.  It’s important to me to live a life before my kids that I want them to model.  This would include their health.

I still want to be able to move, dance, and work into my 80’s and 90’s

This is in my blood so I know it can be done.  I want to be enjoying my life well into my 80’s and 90’s.  I don’t want to be one of those people who just sits around and does nothing but watch TV all day.  I want to still be active, vibrant, dancing, and even teaching/training people well into The Golden Years.  Yes I want to carry on the spirit of Blanche, Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia!

The Gym can still be fun and invigorating

I just feel so much better when I am done.  I have such a good time with my music.  You get some Michael, Prince, Beyonce, Rihanna , Britney, and old school Hip Hop going and it’s a party without all the expensive drinks and having to get dressed up.  I truly have fun when I’m there.

I want to LIVE better

Studies continue to come out proving that exercise is more than just about the physical.  It can lessen the risk of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, depression, and so on.  I want to LIVE BETTER.  I don’t want to go through life with no energy, no confidence, and not able to do anything because I’m too tired and unhealthy.

What’s Your Why?

I would encourage you to re-examine your reasons for working out and if all you can come up with is:  I want to lose weight or I don’t want to get fat, then I encourage you to change your perspective. What are the positive reasons you are working out?  Going the fear based route is sure to produce frustration when things don’t go the way you’d hope.
Take the focus off of the scale, your weight, and all of that and put it back into improving quality of Life.  I can guarantee things will change then!