The Aftermath of Eating all the Things…
I am unrepentant and unapologetic about eating all the things so now we are dealing with the aftermath. Right now I’m about 6 pounds scale weight above where I left off before my food scale broke and deciding to EAT ALL THE FOOD over the holidays.
So right now it’s about getting back into the habit of waking up early for gym time, getting in my water, and food preparation. I
First Training Cycle of 2015 is COMPLETED!
I’m actually really pleased with the way things have gone this past 2 weeks. I feel strong in the gym and my food intake has been on point.
I feel great. Weeks 1 & 2 of my Spring training are complete and I am now heading into Week 3 and I will have my marching orders from Roxie. A lot of my anxiety that I had about food has gone away. There are no binges and no quest bar dreams. Really if I craved anything it was salad and that was a welcome for me. I have had a free meal each week and it has been trail mix, burger, and fries. LOL! I love my trail mix.
I told myself that if I had problems with bingeing and such that I was going to have to re think competing as a goal because I don’t think it’s healthy and I don’t want to set myself up for problems later on down the line. I also think this was a great opportunity to learn about some unhealthy habits that I had such as anxiety about food. Not a good thing.
After doing my measurements for my update I have decided that by the end of this 12 week Spring Training, I want to lose:
- 8 pounds (My coach hates when we get hung up on the number but it’s where I like to be around normally)
- 1.5 inches off of my waist
- 2 inches off of my navel.
I am very excited about seeing something like a hamstring in my back photos..and I can see some Quad action as well.. I also notice my shoulders look better. As we chug along here I cannot wait to compare my last year pictures with this years pictures.
This week I got a little behind on my food prep but that wasn’t an issue. I subbed some foods out that I really like and it was fine. They are also higher fiber foods and I had a salad out which I would rather have than a quest bar.
I have been drinking water, lemon, a dab of honey, and cayenne pepper/cinnamon in the mornings for my digestion instead of coffee. (I have that later…LOL) I have been reading about alkalinity and fat loss…it may be a bunch of hooey but I notice my sugar cravings aren’t happening.
I will post my pictures after Weeks and 3&4
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