Fat Loss Lie #1:  In order to Lose Body Fat you need to do a LOT of Cardio

Cardio is a tool in your arsenal for fat loss but it is NOT the most effective way to lose body fat. The primary purpose of cardio is to strengthen your heart and improve your blood flow.

Your body adapts to cardio and eventually you begin to get less bang for your buck. If you burned 200 calories in 30 minutes, then now it will take you 45 minutes to burn that same amount.
Most people do not work hard enough when they are doing cardio. Bouncing on the elliptical for an hour will not make much difference (unless you’re brand new to exercise) Doing the same Group Exercise class for years without pushing and challenging yourself is ineffective.
If you still doubt, then the next time you are in the gym observe the people who are on the cardio machines and then observe the people working out in the free weight area.
Which group has lower body fat?

Fat Loss Truth #1: In order to lose body fat, you need a Program that is sustainable and that you will do CONSISTENTLY

In order to lose body fat,you need to eat fresh foods, have an individualized exercise program designed for fat loss, and make sure to get enough rest. You need to do all of these things CONSISTENTLY.  Doing it for 30, 60, or 90 days is not going to cut it.

Most of these dramatic “transformations” I lost 45 pounds in 3 weeks are not necessarily body fat loss.  It’s water and it’s also muscle mass which is why sometimes when peole lose weight quickly they appear soft and flabby rather than lean and “toned” (I hate that word but that’s coming next)
Fat Loss is different than weight loss.  Scale wise I have lost 3lbs this year.  My pictures tell a COMPLETELY different story.  I’m recompositioning my body.  I am losing body fat and also putting on lean muscle mass.


Fat Loss Lie #2:  Eat 1200 Calories or Less to lose body fat

First of all who came up with the number 1200??? Why is it that I have heard so many misinformed trainers tell their clients that to get skinny they need to eat 1200 calories or less? Why is this the magic number.

Fat Loss Truth #2:  In order to lose fat, you MUST eat in a caloric deficit and your goal is to eat as much as you can in that deficit.


The 1200 calorie nonsense: so you’re supposed to eat 1200 calories or less. Let me ask you this:

Did this person ask you your dieting history?

That plays a role in how you’re able to metabolize calories.

Another question: did they tell you HOW you’re supposed to get these 1200 calories? Do they know how your body tolerates fats and carbs?

Oh but I’m sure they told you to cut out carbs and you’ll lose weight

There’s a better way!

Increasing your deficit and eating more

There are two main problems I run into with fat loss clients: Eating in a caloric surplus because they are skipping too many meals and then binge when they do eat, eating too many processed foods and drinking too much.

For most people, they will begin to increase their caloric deficit by doing 3 things.

1. Eliminating liquid calories: alcohol, sugary drinks, etc.

2. Eating fresh whole foods: The more fresh food you eat, the more nutrient dense it is leaving you fuller longer. Processed food is full of excess calories, fat, and chemicals.

3. Eating at regular intervals – The more regularly you eat, the less temptation there is to raid the cupboard at night.

The Second Problem (and most common) is fat loss clients not eating enough. The way we were taught to diet was NOT the most effective way and it isn’t sustainable.
This is why most people rebound (regain weight and then some) after going on these 1200 calorie or less plans. You cannot maintain that for a long time.

Your goal needs to be to diet on as many calories as possible and optimize your metabolism so that when you begin to reduce calories you will have someplace to go. Most female clients are under eating. I will let that sink in.

It’s true: If you want the freedom to eat more, then you need to eat.

You need to eat more

Let’s talk about eating more…The number one concern we ALL have is gaining weight but if you want REAL and SUSTAINABLE results, then you have to throw away what the mainstream media and the dieting logic of the 80’s and 90’s taught us.

The way to eat more is to start eating more nutrient rich and dense foods.
Begin to eat fresh foods instead of the processed and packaged diet crap that the food marketers sell us.  For example: most people starting off the day with a breakfast bar is not enough. You need food that will sustain you and keep your blood sugar levels high.

Toast or Oats (Carbs), Nut Butter or Nuts (Fats), and Eggs (Protein) are a great way to start your day rather than with high sugar and nutrient poor foods.