Fat Loss Lie #4: In order to lose body fat, you need to do a lot of cardio so that you don’t become bulky
Fat Loss Truth #4: You need to strength train and overload your muscles.
You NEED to be strength training
Most clients need to increase their Range of Motion (ROM), strength, and flexibility. This should be the foundation of your strength training program.
I do not have my clients start out lifting weights. For about 4-6 weeks when starting, my clients do a lot of bodyweight exercises.
For most people putting them through a dynamic warm-up, mobility training, and bodyweight exercises gets their heart rate up, gets them sweating, but most importantly begins to lengthen and strengthen their bodies.
We must be able to move better before we move MORE.
In order for you to get anywhere with your fitness, then you must overload your muscles. When I used to teach Bodypump classes, I would preach against not putting any weights on the bar.
Fat Loss Myth#5: Taking Supplements will help you to lose body fat even if you don’t change your diet.
No this isn’t true. I see so many people on social media pushing the latest Multi Level Marketing products like these things are magic beans. They aren’t magic beans.
If you take someone who has had a poor diet filled with junk foods (which are high calorie) and then put them on a PROGRAM which introduces fresh foods (lower calorie) and whatever supplements they are pushing then of COURSE they are going to lose weight. There are no magic beans or magic pills.
Those programs introduce the same concepts of eating fresh foods, exercising, and taking these supplements.
Am I opposed to supplements? No but I really want people to begin to do research rather than falling for snake oil salesmen.
Should you take supplements?
As I explained to the person, NO SUPPLEMENT is going to replace fresh foods. I need you to work on that before I introduce supplements. That’s what they are designed for to SUPPLEMENT your diet.
I do take supplements. I use Protein powder (for convenience and also for economic reasons) The protein powder I use currently is called Trutein. It has no gluten and no added sugars. It is also easier on my stomach.
I also take a Women’s Multi Vitamin, Fish Oil, and B Complex Vitamins but I prefer to get my nutrients from FRESH FOOD.
You need to get real: This isn’t a quick fix effort
The single biggest mistake people make in wanting to lose weight or in “body-transformation” goals – is in buying into the words “fast” or “quick” – For example those “quick start” weight-loss “solutions” are the ones tied most to long-term weight-gain and rebound. If you gained weight over a period of time – then it’s going to take a period of time to PROPERLY lose it in a sustainable way as well. “Quick-start” weight-loss???? or “Get Abs Fast” – How about “get real first”
It’s time to get real and it’s time to create sustainable programs that will help us reach our fat loss goals.
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