Dana Linn Bailey was the first EVER Women’s Physique Olympia winner. The Olympia contest is the pinnacle and most important show in all of bodybuilding.

Physique is a category that is a step above figure but not as extreme as Women’s Bodybuilding.  Dana was a celebrity in the bodybuilding/fitness world before she won her title and she has endured her fair share of criticism.

Dana was transparent enough to share about her struggles with confidence especially with the rude comments that people make about her physique.

Women are not encouraged to look strong and powerful, but rather weak and frail.  When one goes past that social norm, they get called all kinds of names and people feel comfortable with making mean comments.
Luckily Dana has an awesome support system in her life partner Robb Bailey.  He goes on rants and tangents defending his wife and I applaud him for it.  He is her biggest supporter and as you can see in this link, he helps to empower and encourage her to keep striving for her best.
I have found as a woman people do feel that they have the right to comment on your body (whether it is positive or negative) but you cannot let their opinions sway how you feel about yourself either way. Know that those in your life that are here for you are here for YOU THE HUMAN BEING, not YOU THE OUTER SHELL.
I’m saluting Dana Linn Bailey as our Wonder Woman for the week!!!  Way to go Dana!!!