I can take a hint.

I heard the song, “We are Victorious” 3 times on Sunday morning before 9 a.m.  So of course that’s my word of the week.

Excellence and Being Victorious:  It isn’t what you think

This year I have made it a point to have WORLD CLASS associations.  I work for a WORLD CLASS company, I am working with a WORLD CLASS coach, and my mentors are all WORLD CLASS.  It’s a different animal from mediocrity.
Mediocrity is not Victorious.
Mediocrity may get the job done true enough.  Mediocrity may hit their goals but mediocrity has no victory because mediocrity is into quick fixes, has NO strategy, and is focused on the short term.
Being around world class people this year has shown me that defeat, setbacks, and failure is just as much a part of victory as reveling in the glory.
My mentor Todd Durkin shared a wonderful quote with us this week from a Canadian Hockey Player Hayley Wickenheiser.
When you pursue greatness there will be pain.  It’s part of the process.
As I watch people pursue really big goals, I get a chance to see the highs and also the lows.

Fitness Goals and Being Victorious

After each training cycle, I ask clients what improvements they have noticed since we started that training cycle.  I make a point to ask about victories because I don’t want people to become solely focused on just the cosmetic goals.
I have heard stories about how people were able to work in the garden, play with their dogs, carry their babies with no pain, and move like a normal person.
THAT my friends is victory.
Is it a victory when you don’t have to lay down on the bed to put on your pants?  Yes, that’s a victory but what can you do NOW that you could not do before?
Do you choose fruit over candy?  Do you now eat a nutrient rich breakfast every morning rather than grabbing pastries or skipping it all together?  That’s a VICTORY!
We spend too much talking about what isn’t happening and we don’t celebrate our victories enough.
I encourage you to write down 3 things that you can do now that you couldn’t do before and then proceed to do what is pictured below.
Happy Training!