Participants should vary the classes that they take. Most commercial gyms are helpful in this regard. They offer high volume weight training classes such as Bodypump, sport conditioning classes such as Bodyattack/Boot Camps, Cardio Classes, and mind/body classes. Participants should also challenge themselves in classes and not simply go through the motions.
Teaching Bodypump in 2012 |
I teach one class a week now and I look far more athletic than when I was actively teaching 9-10 classes per week. As a matter of fact, as soon as I got involved with Bodybuilding and started letting classes go, my body composition began to change.
Chunky Aerobics Instructor Syndrome
World Renowned Strength Training Coach Charles Poliquin coined this term because he noticed that aerobics instructors had high levels of body fat despite teaching aerobics classes 3 hours a day. He found that the body quickly adapted to all of this training and the instructors would maintain high levels of body fat despite training for 3 hours a day which is equivalent to a professional athlete.
Why does this happen?
Your body loves adaptation. Your body loves to adapt to whatever it is that you’re doing, so that it can be more efficient. This is helpful for muscle memory and performing tasks more easily and efficiently. However this isn’t the best news when it comes to fat loss.
With adaptation comes the law of diminishing returns. As I coach my clients, as your conditioning improves and your body ADAPTS to your training
For example:
Jane does a Zumba class for 60 minutes and burns 200 calories. She continues to attend this class for 3 months and she becomes better conditioned and Zumba is starting to get easier. After 3 months, Jane may not burn 200 calories, she may burn 150 calories because her body has adapted to the training.
As an instructor I was so frustrated that I was doing all of this working out and gaining weight. I figured the more I did, the more I would lose. Eat less/Move more right?
As soon as I ate more and moved less, my body fat began to drop.
If you don’t believe me, then look around you or look at yourself. You’ve been doing it for years and things are getting worse. Get off the teaching too much train and try something different.
In my next blog post, I will be discussing some strategies and solutions to get things back on track.
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