Last Sunday morning I woke up very excited. I didn’t have a clue why I was so excited. Something in my spirit told me “Today is going to be EPIC” I even wrote in my morning devotional journal that something exciting was going to happen.
I was so excited I decided to get all dressed up for the occasion. I put on my favorite skirt and it didn’t fit. It has gotten too big, but since I’m as stubborn as a mule I found some safety pins and kept it moving.
As predicted, the day was EPIC! I still don’t know WHY it was so amazing. Yes, good things happened but something came alive in me that day. I looked forward to the day.
Getting out of your rut
For the past year or so, I have been bored to death professionally and it permeated my entire life. I was not growing, learning anything, or being challenged. I allowed people to take me for granted and cross boundaries because I gave up and just stopped caring.
Anyway after leaving that environment, I began to regain some clarity. It was a new chance to start fresh and I was going to make sure to set firm boundaries. I wanted balance in my work/personal life. I also wanted to learn more and challenge myself to become a better fit pro and leader.
Without getting too far off track, let me say this: Sheryl Crow was right: A change will do you GOOD!
Sometimes we don’t realize how much we need a change until we actually make that move. We realize how much we’ve missed out on, how our lives are out of balance, and what is really important.
Time to Liven things up!
Sometimes we get so stuck in our routines that we forget that we need to change things up every once in a while to keep ourselves stimulated and excited about life.
In fitness, we tell clients to change up their exercises every 4-6 weeks because after a while the body adapts and you stop seeing progress. I used to see people in the gym who did the same routine for years. Of course they didn’t see any results because their bodies had gotten used to the same old tired stuff. You’re a lot more likely to stick with a program, if you’re doing different things.
The same concept applies to life. Doing the same thing over and over is boring and eventually becomes drudgery. Being around low energy and negative people is draining.
It is time to LIVEN THINGS UP. Let’s get a life injection and get around people who are trying to be better! People who are progressing in life and moving forward!
3rd Quarter Challenge
This quarter I have challenged myself to LIVEN THINGS UP. Each month I’m going to do something out of the norm to spice it up!
This month, I’ve decided to get dressed up at least once a week. I don’t have to have anywhere to go. I’m just going to dress up and see what happens. I got all dressed up last week and I didn’t go anywhere special, but it made me feel good.
To quote the always casket sharp Deion Sanders: “When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you play good, and when you play good, they pay good!”
So what are you going to do?
Meet one new person a week?
Try a new restaurant?
Join a professional networking group? (BTW I just did this and that was just what the doctor ordered. I’m surrounded people who want to get better)
You’ve been thinking about leaving your job because you aren’t going anywhere, but too afraid to make a change. Just begin to research some possibilities. Perhaps it isn’t as bad as you think it will be to make a move.
What are you going to do to LIVEN THINGS UP?
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