Update on Barbara
It has been a few weeks since Barbara’s initial training sessions. She has had some remarkable results, but now we’ve reached the crossroads. Barbara thinks that she can do all of this on her own. She is also frustrated by her progress. She’s been up late working on a project and all of those informercials at 2am look very promising. Do this video and sprinkle fairy dust on your food and you lose weight! Certainly sounds better than planning/preparing/sweating.
Trainer: So Barbara how are you feeling about everything that’s happening?
Barbara: I’m feeling mostly positive, but there are some things that I still don’t understand. You know I still think that I can use the crunch machine and flatten my abs. I also don’t understand why you have me eating so much. Before I was eating 1000 calories a day and I lost weight really fast. I think that way works better for my body. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Trainer: Barbara let me ask you a question:
If your way worked better for your body, why haven’t you gotten the results you’re looking for?
Boom! |
The truth of the matter is, you have made some wonderful progress in the past few weeks. You have told me that your back doesn’t hurt as much, your clothes are starting to fit again, and you have much more energy than you had before.
When you say that you can do it on your own, who are you accountable to? Isn’t that where things have gone wrong before. I’m here to support you. I’ve told you before you are 95% more likely to achieve a goal if you have a scheduled appointment with your accountability partner. We all need this. That’s why I have a trainer myself. I need accountability.
Crunch machines and crunches do not flatten your abs. You’ve lost 2 inches off of your waist and we’ve not done 1 crunch. Why? We have focused on overall calorie burn by using all of the muscles in your body during our sessions. You cannot spot reduce! We’ve also focused on using your deep abdominal muscles to support your spine and strengthen the low back. That’s why your back has stopped hurting.
Barbara: Fair enough, but what about the calories? I feel like it is too much.
Trainer: Barbara, what has happened in the past? You’ve gone on these starvation diets and lost 20 lbs and then gained 30lbs back. Since we’ve been working together you have lost 10lbs and you’ve never once complained about being hungry. You’ve also been able to enjoy your treats and LIVE. This is a lifestyle commitment, not a 6 week crash diet. You’ve also not complained about being hungry and low energy.
We’ve been able to increase calories because you are burning calories more efficiently due to the increased lean body mass and workouts. On those low calorie diets when you go back to eating normally (which you will), your body holds on to every calorie it takes in because it is afraid you will starve it again. Those low calorie diets also slow your metabolism…maybe even permanently.
Barbara: I guess I really need to throw all of those ideas I had about fitness/health.
Trainer: Much of what people think about nutrition/exercise isn’t based on science at all, but advertising and marketing campaigns.
Barbara: Right because last night I was watching a commercial and they have this stuff you can sprinkle on your food and it helps you lose weight.
Trainer: Marketing gimmicks. Sorry, but magic beans and fairy dust on food does not work. There are no magic beans. You’re well on your way.
No Excuses folks….Shut up and Just do it |
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