
Unrealistic Expectations Part 3: Exercise Plans

It is unrealistic to think simply GOING to the gym, getting on an eliptical, and wandering around the weight room is going to yield any results. You must have a clear purpose for your exercise program and you MUST have an effective plan/schedule that YOU WILL STICK TO. An effective exercise plan should be in ... read more >

Unrealistic Expectations Part 2: Have a Plan-Eat Real Food

  "It's already been 6 weeks!! I've been eating salad and exercising and I've only lost 3lbs"     Last time I discussed the importance of being realistic about the time it takes to actually see permanent change and lasting change General Rule: At least 1 year This person is eating salad and exercising, but ... read more >

Unrealistic Expectations Part 1: Unrealistic Timeframes

In my last post, I gave some of the common complaints I hear when people make the choice to improve their health. "It's already been 6 weeks!!! I've been exercising and eating salad.  I've only lost 3lbs.  Forget this mess...Bring on the French Fries and cocktails!"  From now on, I don't want you to focus ... read more >

Welcome to Fiercely Fit!

Happy New Year!   My purpose for creating this blog is to inspire, uplift, and encourage people to become better versions of themselves.  I truly believe 2013 is a year of transformation for many people.  As I encounter people from all walks of life on a daily basis, I hear a recurring theme:   I'm ... read more >