
Nutrition Myths that need to die: All Carbs are evil

Honestly if there was one fitness myth that I need to be stomped on, thrown in the trash, and never heard from again it is that carbohydrates are evil and you shouldn't eat them. Food Marketers, fad diet pushers, and supplement gurus have tricked people into believing that carbs are all bad.  NO SIR AND ... read more >

10 Fitness Myths that need to die

Working as a trainer is a rewarding job, but it is also challenging.  Many times we encounter clients who have their own ideas about how to get in shape.  These people have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, and led astray by fitness magazines, diet gurus, and an industry that capitalizes on insecurity and ignorance. Guess what?  I ... read more >


  Last Sunday morning I woke up very excited.  I didn't have a clue why I was so excited. Something in my spirit told me "Today is going to be EPIC" I even wrote in my morning devotional journal that something exciting was going to happen. I was so excited I decided to get all ... read more >

Being Functionally Fit

What is functional Training When I first became a trainer, functional training was all the rage.  Anytime you went into gyms, you would see people doing balancing exercises, exercises on the stability balls, etc. While sometimes things went too far,  the initial concept was good.  Prior to this trend, most people came to the gym ... read more >

You’ve got to move to grow!

      Press Play.  This is the soundtrack for this blog post. It's been a while folks, but I've been productive during this time away. I accomplished my PUSH goal for 2013!  Only 6 months into the year and we've already crossed the big goal off the list that is going to bring everything ... read more >

Have you reached a decision?

  As we PUSH on towards GOALS2013 The next step of the journey: Decision Time So to recap the first part of the year, I have: 1. Set Goals 2. Made Plans 3. Assessed our progress 4. Readjusted Plans As I have stated before, this year is one where I am looking to make tremendous ... read more >

Spring has Sprung

    Happy Spring!     Springtime holds so much promise.  It's the season for awakenings, rebirths, and celebrations of victory and life.  First Quarter: Game On Spring marks the end of the first quarter of the year.   During a sporting game, the competition is revealed in the First Quarter. All of the planning ... read more >

Lame Excuses: It’s too hard

Barbara has just had her first session with her Personal Trainer.  After one session, Barbara decides training isn't for her.  She doesn't feel that this is a good use of time and money.  Besides she can do it on her own.  All you need to do is eat less and move more.     Barbara: ... read more >

Fitness Victories-John Farley

  In early 2011, recovering from a recent break-up I forced myself to make a positive change. I walked into a spin class at 24-hr fitness not knowing a single soul and what I discovered transformed my life. Indoor cycle became an activity that I dived into full-force, committing to at least three days a ... read more >

Let it Go!

  I'm a big fan of the show Hoarders.  Nothing makes a clutter bug like myself feel more self righteous and superior than watching a show where people have dead animals, feces, and trash all over the place. It is easy to dismiss the Hoarders as disgusting, filthy, and lazy.  What I love about that ... read more >