Fiercely Fit Mindset

Fit Tip: GROW into your Program…

I love getting new clients!  One of the most exciting parts of working with new clients is how something that was so hard and not the best on our first sessions suddenly becomes easy and textbook. I was explaining to one of my newer clients recently that you shouldn't be able to nail your new ... read more >

Ditch the New Year’s Resolutions and do this instead!

I worked in commercial gyms for over ten years. Every January we would prepare for the inevitable New Years Resolution rush. From the beginning, I noticed a significant drop off after Valentine’s Day: exactly six weeks into the New Year. In recent years I have noticed that the crowds start to thin out by the ... read more >

Why Fluff is Ruining our Lives

I hate fluff. I hate fluff with a passion. I have sat through one too many sessions this year of people spouting off fluff as if it is a great big revelation but I read the same book and followed the same people so… Fluff definition: entertainment or writing perceived as trivial or superficial. Something ... read more >

Why you should

A few years ago I was faced with a decision I could go with the “safe” option which would buy me some time, teach me some things, and provide me with a steady and stable income OR I could go with my Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) which was to start my own business while working ... read more >

Stop Trying to Change your Body from the Outside In

I have been in the Health and Fitness Industry for over ten years and while there are complicated equations that can help you determine the right macronutrients for fat loss, muscle gain, and maintenance, the biggest determinant for whether or not someone succeeds or fails at the program is not what is written on their ... read more >

Why you will fail at your New Year’s Goals

Brace yourself:  The New Year, New Me Posts are coming and right along with it are the false promises from gurus and experts promising that they can get you there with x,y,z plan. People will be gung ho about these programs for about 2 weeks and then slowly begin to die on the vine until ... read more >

Get rid of the Fluff

  This may come off as a cantankerous and ornery post but I just feel the need to say it. Is that all right? I'm sick of the Fluff. No not the "fluff" people like to complain about on their bodies otherwise known as excess body fat, but I'm talking about the fluff that I ... read more >

Be Your Own Goals!

A few weeks ago there was a music video premiere that left social media in an uproar. "#Bodygoals" was proclaimed. " What's her workout routine?"  was all over social media. I figured that soon after the hoopla there would be an exercise video in the works along with Instagram Trainers proclaiming that they could get ... read more >

Is Sharing your Fitness Journey Online right for you?

I LOVE the Olympics.  I love the Olympic Athletes because for many of those athletes they are doing this out of pure passion for their sport.  These aren't basketball or baseball players who are making MILLIONS of dollars.  For most athletes participating in the Olympics, they have trained for sports that do not receive mainstream ... read more >