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No Gym, No Problem: Body Weight Conditioning Complex #1

I like to do complexes at the end of a workout in place of traditional machine based workout when I am pressed for time, not at a traditional gym and need to use my own bodyweight, or when I feel my conditioning/endurance needs work. Body weight complexes are also a great idea if you hate ... read more >

Effective Cardio Training: Case Study

Leah is a 35-year-old new Mom who wants to lose about 15 more pounds of fat. She’s started eating fresh foods and she just started at the gym. She really enjoys attending Zumba 3x per week. Unfortunately she hasn’t seen much change for doing this. She’s even added in running but seen minimal change.

5 Reasons You are Not Hitting your Fitness Goals

The fitness and diet industry has attempted to simplify fat loss and health into quick mantras and axioms that don’t have much real world relevance. Eat Less/Move More! No Pain and No Gain! Eat Clean/Train Dirty but these sayings are not life. I teach and coach people that very little of their food issues have to do with food. The first question that needs to be asked is: “WHY?”

3 Reasons to Eat Breakfast

1) It helps you to get your mind right for the rest of the day Anecdotally I have noticed that people who tend to eat a nutrient dense and filling breakfast tend to make better food choices throughout the day. Your mindset is already on nourishment 2) It will help you to stop the mindless ... read more >

Should I eat __________________ to lose weight?

The Blank  space could include any of the following: Eat Gluten Free, Become a vegetarian, become a vegan, not eat wheat, drink this tea, take this supplement, do a detox, do a cleanse, go on a fast What is the Motivation? I want to focus on the last part of the capitalized part of that ... read more >

Fat Loss Lies and Truths Part 2

Fat Loss Lie #4: In order to lose body fat, you need to do a lot of cardio so that you don't become bulky NO NO NO and NO 1. We've learned that cardio is NOT the most effective way to lose body fat 2. Most clients need to increase their range of motion, their ... read more >