Nutrition Articles

10 Ways to Improve your Nutrition without going broke

  A few weeks ago I saw an article on social media that talked about they were tired of seeing "rich girl fitness".   What if you want to be healthier but money is tight?  The good news is that you can improve your nutrition and save money.  Over this 4 Part Series I will ... read more >

Spotlight on Vitamin D

I have been very blessed to work with so many knowledgeable trainers over the years.  One of my favorite colleagues was always preaching about the importance of Vitamin D.  She would send clients off to the doctor to get their Vitamin D levels when she noticed sudden changes with fatigue, weight gain, or even more ... read more >

What about Detoxes? Are they for real or a scam?

Let's talk about detoxes for a moment.   Generally around New Years and Vacation season, here come the magic bean pushers with their 3 day Cleanses designed to help you rid your body of toxins and they can guarantee up to a 5 pound weight loss!!! So is what they're pushing for real?  Let's take ... read more >

For controlling Blood Pressure, Is sugar worse than salt?

Blood Pressure:  Sugar Worse than Salt I came across this article from Medpage Today which is a daily news site for Medical Professionals and I was intrigued. When I read Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes his premise is that blaming heart disease, high cholesterol, and obesity on fat is wrong.  It's SUGAR that ... read more >

What are Probiotics and Prebiotics? Is there a difference?

Probiotics are a health buzzword these days but many of us have no clue what they mean.  We see Jamie Lee Curtis on a commercial singing the praises of probiotics and we feel like we need to go get some because probiotics are important...but what are probiotics? Probiotics Probiotics are the bacteria living in your ... read more >

What’s the Big Deal about Coconut Oil?

Why Coconut Oil? In the 1990's Coconut was vilified due to a study that showed that movie theater popcorn that was popped in coconut oil contained at least 150g of fat in a large tub.  Surely people knew that eating tubs of popcorn with butter on it wasn't healthy but ANYWAY. Fast forward to the ... read more >

Should I carb load? When?

When Should you carb Load? If you're preparing for an endurance event that lasts for more than 90 minutes, then you should carb load. How should you carb load? You should make sure that you are eating carbohydrates daily. It is not a good idea to overdo the carbohydrates before your event because you will ... read more >

10 Great Snacks to Add into your day

I don't advocate endless snacking.  When people are constantly snacking through the day that is a clue that they are not eating enough during their meals and this will surely lead to unwanted weight gain.  Snacks can be a great tool to add to your nutritional routine to make sure that you don't fall into ... read more >

Portion Control or Fat Consumption?

This is a great question because it opens the door to the real root of the issue which is what makes us gain weight?  Is it how much we are eating or Is it because we are eating too much fat or carbohydrate. The 80's and '90's Fat Free craze In the 1980's and 1990's ... read more >